








Vemmabuilder™ 在家創業系統幫您實現在家工作夢想,


Vemmabuilder ™ 90天免費網路創業

1. 輕鬆免費報名試用
2.仔細看E-mail 收到的信件內容,若未收到請確認垃圾信件夾

任何問題?歡迎聯絡“金山” (KimSun/Wednesc)
Email: vemma.kimsun@hotmail.com
Skype: wednesc

金山 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()





1. 房子:

2. 車子:


3. 孩子:

4. 孝順父母:

5. 家庭開支:

6. 中華民國萬萬稅:
一年繳下來, 2萬跑不掉

7. 休閒生活:
一年的休閒費用約多少,看電影、放假的旅行 、郊遊等,一年花五萬元,應該不會太土匪吧。

8. 退休金:
如果你50歲退休,可以再活十五年,每個月和你的老伴用1萬元過日子,夠省了吧? (十五年後要趕快死喔!)
180萬元 (但是老年人醫療費用一個月預計5000,不可以生大病喔...)
90萬元 (癌症、加護病房、慢性病不列入,萬一中了,請自行了斷...)

9. 喪葬費:
6+10=16萬元......別把你另一半丟了    16x2=
     安全存款    200萬元
     房子            540萬元
     車子            250萬元
     孩子          3000萬元
     父母            120萬元
     家用         1080萬元
     繳稅              60萬元
     休閒             150萬元
     晚年             270萬元
+ 喪葬               32萬元



    如果是夫妻一起賺  1260×2=
    那麼你還差   5702-2520=
3182萬元÷30年÷12個月≒8萬8000元 [只要每個月再增加這麼多就好]

3182-3000(孩子)=182萬元÷30年÷12個月≒5000元  [如果決定絕子絕孫後,每個月還是需增加五千元...]

3182 -(3000+150萬元)(孩子+休閒)=32萬元  [絕子絕孫+拒絕休閒後,還是差32萬元...]
只是還過的去而己,並不算是很滿意的,可以說是安安份份、平平凡凡的日子罷了,就需要這麼多錢耶= ="。

    還要?萬元靈骨塔 .....

Vemmabuilder™ 在家創業系統幫您實現在家工作夢想,


Vemmabuilder ™ 90天免費網路創業

1. 輕鬆免費報名試用
2.仔細看E-mail 收到的信件內容,若未收到請確認垃圾信件夾

任何問題?歡迎聯絡“金山” (KimSun/Wednesc)
Email: vemma.kimsun@hotmail.com
Skype: wednesc

金山 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

01.Activate Your Website

When you upgrade to Member with Vemma you get 2 websites. One is your Vemmabuilder Opportunity Website, the other is a Free Website from the Corporation.

Logging into and setting up your VemmaBuilder Website

Go to this web site www.vemmabuilder.com

Click on the link that says "VemmaBuilder Members and Pre-Enrollees click here to login ".

When you upgraded to member, you should have gotten a 9 digit Vemma ID # and Password in an email called "Your Dreams are about to come true". Type that information in the spaces provided and click on "Login" .

Click on "Back Office " -

Click on "Account Info " – in the first section, you can make any changes to your Personal Information. You can also change your password to something easier to remember. Also, if you need to change your credit card information just click on that link.

In the second section click on "Update Allocation "

Make sure the setting is set to "Default ".

Then click on "Update Allocation"

Then click on "Contact Manager"

Your VemmaBuilder Opportunity website should look like this:


(this is a made up number)

make sure yours has your 9 digit Vemma ID at the end.

**This is the website you will send your friends and relatives or co-workers who want to start a Home Based Internet Business.

Setting up your VEMMA Corporation Website

As a VEMMA member you have your own free website which gives you your member and customer downline info only. This website also keeps track of our earnings. Here is how to set it up:

Go to: http://www.vemma.com

Click on the small gray box "MEMBER LOGIN " (top right corner of page).

Click on "Create a Username or Password ".

Fill out the form that comes up in the page titled: "VEMMA". You will need your Vemma VID# (your 9 digit VID #).

Leave the SS# field Blank.

Fill out your personal information.

Leave Old Password blank.

In filling out the form please note: Your password must be 6 characters long and must contain at least one digit. Retype password to confirm.

Click: "Submit "

You should see "Your Username and password have been created ."

Click on "Return to Login ".

Login with the Username and Password you just created.

Check the 2 boxes "I Have Read".

Click: "Submit ".

Now click on: "Manage Website ".

Confirm that your personal info is correct and if not, make any necessary changes. Below your telephone number you should see: "Your Website " http://www.myvemma.com/ — followed by the username you created in the large box.

for example: http://www.myvemma.com/ yourusername.

Leave "I want the default Image on my Website " checked.

Leave "I want the default Message on my Website " checked.

Click "Submit Changes ".

You will see a screen that says your changes have been submitted.

Click on "My Account ".

Check your name and other personal particulars are correct. Make sure your name appear as FULL name because this is the name that VEMMA will write on your bonus check.

You can click Log Out or Click on the other links to become familiar with this website.

**This is the website address where you will send people you know who want to purchase the VEMMA Nutrition Product. Personal Contacts or Family members that are not interested in building a business, but would like to start taking the product. If you have someone who would like to be a member & start their own business, send them to your vemmabuilder.com website so they can be included in the downline.

Other Important Information

Conference Calls. You will find there are many conference calls to help you build your business:

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 pm Pacific Time, 7:30 pm Mountain Time 8:30 pm Central Time, 9:30 pm Eastern Time.

Saturdays at 10:00 am Pacific Time, 11:00 am Mountain, 12:00 noon Central, 1:00 pm Eastern.

You will get email reminders about these conference calls along with the telephone number to call along with a pin code.

*** VERY IMPORTANT *** You must be on Auto Ship for a minimum of one VEMMA Pack a month to be eligible to be paid fast start bonuses on your personal enrolled downline.

In order to develop a solid, secure business with long-term residual income, it is necessary to bring into your organization both people that want to build a business and those that just want to use the products. We have systems in place to help you find people in these areas. In addition to these programs, you might find that some of the customers and business people are among those people you already know.

=========中文翻譯 未完成=========


當您升級成為正式會員時你將得到2Vemma網站。 一個是你的 Vemmabuilder自動行銷網站 , 另一個是免費的vemma後台支援網站。

進入本網站 www.vemmabuilder.com

Click on the link that says "VemmaBuilder Members and Pre-Enrollees click here to login ".

當您升級到正式會員,你應該會收到一封標題為:"Your Dreams are about to come true"的電子郵件,裡面影你新的9位數Vemma ID帳號和密碼。

點擊 "Back Office " 進入後台

點擊 "Account Info " “帳戶信息” -在一部分,您可以進行更改您的個人信息。您還可以原本的密碼改成您比較容易記憶的的密碼。此外,如果您需要更改您的信用卡資料,只要按一下"Update Billing Information"按鈕。

在第二部分點擊"Update Allocation "“更新分配
請確保該設置被設置為"Default "“默認

然後點擊 "Update Allocation"“更新分配

然後點擊"Contact Manager"“聯繫人管理器


您可以給任何想要開始在家工作 上網增加收入的朋友,親戚或同事VemmaBuilder自動行銷網站的網址,來看這個網站。










 Old Password





檢視"I Have Read"“我讀過
點擊 "Submit "“提交

現在點擊 "Manage Website "“管理網站


點擊 "My Account "“我的帳戶











Vemmabuilder™ 在家創業系統幫您實現在家工作夢想,


Vemmabuilder ™ 90天免費網路創業

1. 輕鬆免費報名試用
2.仔細看E-mail 收到的信件內容,若未收到請確認垃圾信件夾

任何問題?歡迎聯絡“金山” (KimSun/Wednesc)
Email: vemma.kimsun@hotmail.com
Skype: wednesc

金山 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

02.Know Your Website

The 2 websites you should all be very familiar with are:

FIRST WEBSITE : Vemmabuilder https://www.vemmabuilder.com/login/index.jsp

This link will take you right to the logon page (please add this to your favorites). Once there, type your Vemma ID Number and your Password and click the Login button. This will open up the Front Office of your Vemma Builder website. Here you can move around and learn about Our System , Compensation Plan , Our Product , Top Leaders . For now we will concentrate on the Back Office (go ahead and click once on the Back Office tab). Here again you are presented with a few options, like Genealogy , Account Info , Training Info . For now, we are going to take a look at the Contact Manager (please click on that tab).

Your Opportunity Website Click on View and you will see what YOUR website looks like. This is the address where you will be sending people who want to build a business so they can fill in the form and become a pre-enrollee.

Email Communicators You can use this section to filter out your Pre-enrollees (by clicking on the blue link) or Members . The pre-set emails you see in the Pre-Enrollee section are the ones that your active contacts will receive spread over a pre-determined time frame.

For now, click on the blue link: “Update Information for Emails and Website ” and make sure all your information is visible and correct. This information will be used within those pre-determined emails that your people will get. At the bottom of that screen (use the scroll bar) is an Update button. Click that to save any changes you made.

Date Added / Source This is the date the person became a Pre-enrollee in your business. The source relates to a 3 or 4 digit code you used when you set up your domain name from which you can tell what list they came from. For example, *1FAB for me means that I set up my Response Magic account to reflect 1FAB. I have used many different sources for pre-enrollees, so this helps me identify where they are coming from.

Communicator. This means that are currently getting the emails we saw above in the Email Communicator.

Name / Email Here is your contacts name and below it is the email address they used when they filled in the form. The persons name is written in blue and is underlined which means that you can click on it and open up this contacts information page.

Telephone number / Location This is the telephone number the person listed as their home number and the location is where they are located geographically. Please note that some people may insert Do Not Call in the telephone field or they may use a fictitious number. You can’t always rely on this information.

Status This shows you the last email the person has been sent. Sometimes you can see: Sent email #3 Email address bad and dates. This means that on this date, an email was sent, but it bounced back because the person changed their email address or put in a bad address to begin with. Click on the person’s name and in the middle of the page click on Opt Out of all Letters. There is not much you can do in these cases.

Notes & Reminders Every time I send a pre-enrollee or a member an email or I speak to them on the phone, I add a little note (looks like the small parchment scroll). If that person asks me to call them or send them something in a few days I set myself a reminder (looks like a little clock).

At the top of this section, near where the letters are listed in alphabetical order, there is a next button. This will let you go to the next page of contact. The contacts are listed 10 to a page, so after # 10, you need to go to the next page and so forth.

At the bottom of the screen on the left hand side, there are two blue links:

1) Download all Contacts By clicking on this link, all your active and inactive contacts can be downloaded into an Excel Spreadsheet along with most of their personal information.

2) View All Contacts That Have Stopped Letters – By clicking on this link, you will see all of your contacts that have opted out of Vemma. These people do not want to receive any more emails or information about the program. The Inactive contact screen looks the same as the active contacts screen with the difference that you can not sort them in any way. They are automatically sorted by Date Added. Under “Status” you will see when the last email the system sent that person and below that will be the date he/she opted out.

Let’s take a look at an actual contact. Get back to Contact Manager , so that you are looking at your active contacts list. Remember, anything in blue can be clicked. So go ahead and click on your first active contact .

All of the information in the Main Contact Information marked with * was provided by the contact and can not be changed by you. If you click on the Update Contact link , you can add other information you gather from the contact like a cell phone number, spouses name, birthday information etc. The first two items listed are this persons pre-enrollee ID number and below that, their temporary password. If a pre-enrollee contacts you and can not remember their ID and Password, you can give it to them from here. They also can click on a link from the Login page “Forgot your user name and Password” and the information will be emailed to them by the system.

View this contacts Genealogy if you click on this, you will see all the pre-enrollees that have been placed under this contact. Again, they are part of the Team Building pre-enrollees. So you will see pre-enrollees from all the members in your team. The system automatically places new pre-enrollees below the success line. You still can only click on the ones in blue (your pre-enrollees)

Opt-out of All Letters This where you can opt a pre-enrollee out of the system. You do this ONLY if a contact asks you to do so. Some times a contact might do this by accident. In that case, the person MUST logon back into their Contact Manager and they will have a big red block on the front page where they can click on a link to be reactivated.

Set a Reminder If you need to be reminded to do something for this contact, you can set a reminder. Type a little note in the Note box and use the drop down lists for the Month , Day & Year then click on Set . For example: Call John May 1 2005. On that date, you will get an email reminder telling you to call John.

Add New Note Every time I do something or send something to a contact, I make a little note here. So the next time I look at this contact I know right away what I have done with this person so far. To add a note, click on Add New Note and a new window will open with a large rectangle where you can type your note. Below that, there is an Add Note button. You do not need to add a date within your note as the system will automatically date stamp your note.

SECOND WEBSITE : Vemma Corporation page https://www.vemma.com/backoffice

Here again, we are taken right to the login page (please add this page to your favorites). The first page that comes up is your back office. Here you will find any new announcements from the Corporation in the center section. On the right hand side, you can go to different sections of the website. At the top in orange, there are several links, such as My Account , Genealogy , Auto ship , Bonus History etc.

For now lets click on Cycle Tracker .

The weekly Cycle period within Vemma goes from Friday’s to Thursday’s. At any given time, you can always see two weeks back, one week back and the current week. When you click on one of those time periods, the information can be seen in the center of the screen. Here you will see which bonuses you are qualified for and the amount you are getting for them. You will notice that the amount (if any) is in orange and can be clicked. If you click on the dollar amount, it will tell you for which member you are getting paid.

If an item is green, then you have qualified to receive that bonus. If it red you are not yet qualified for that particular bonus. To know how to qualify for it, click on the bonus name and you will see the needed requirements.

The Cycle Bonus Sales shows you the volume you have accrued towards Cycling. In order to Cycle and get paid that bonus, you have to have 6 qualifying sales in one leg and 3 qualifying sales in the other. The system will check and keep track for you. It doesn’t matter which leg has the qualifying volume and they can interchange. The volume on your Team Building Leg (Power Leg) is a total of all members’ volume, not just your members’ volume. The volume in the other leg, your profit leg is based on your member’s volume.

You can cycle multiple times in a cycle period; it is not just limited to once per period. I suggest you read through the Compensation Plan either here in the Vemma website (back office) or in VemmaBuilder.

On the bottom if this page (use the scroll bar) you will see the breakdown of how many Personally Enrolled Members you have in each leg. The numbers are clickable and when you do click them, it will open a page showing you your members and what side they are on, their Vemma ID numbers, Name, Last Order Date, Enrollment Date, Email address and Phone number.

If you see the name of somebody, but there is no L or R under Side and if they have a 0 under Last Order Date, it means that person has either canceled their Auto ship order or the was a problem with the credit card or they have opted out completely.

Don’t get discouraged, it does happen that people will opt out. Just keep pushing along and know that you will succeed.

Click on Genealogy , you will see the tree (starting with you at the top in the middle) and down both your legs. Any of the boxes with orange names and ID numbers are members that you have personally enrolled and you can click on them and see their three week information. Also, when you go to the genealogy screen and see the tree of boxes, look for a number next to activation weeks. This number represents the amount of time in weeks till that members next auto ship goes out. If this is a new member, and there is no number next to it, it could mean that his/her credit card did not process. In such cases, you will be getting an email from Vemmacorp asking for your assistance in trying to contact that person.

Click on the AutoShip link.

From here you can change your order and add another auto ship order if you like, but you can not cancel your auto ship on line.

Click on the Bonus history link.

It will show you a total of 16 weeks work of the total bonuses you have been paid for the corresponding week. You can filter out a from and to date using the tool at the bottom of that screen.

Click on the Direct Deposit link (For US only) .

Right now, you can fill out a Direct Deposit form online. Please fill out this link. The first time you receive a check, they advise you to fill out the form or all subsequent checks they mail you will have $2.00 deducted for as check processing fees.

=========中文翻譯 未完成=========


第一個網站:Vemmabuilder通過 https/ / www.vemmabuilder.com /登錄 / index.jsp





日期時間 /源代碼,這是迄今為止這個人成了一個預先的應屆畢業生去您的業務。源涉及一個 34位代碼時使用設置你的域名,你就可以知道他們來自名單。例如,* 1FAB對我來說意味著設置我的回應魔術帳戶,以反映1FAB。我已經使用了許多不同來源的預註冊者,所以這可以幫助我找到他們的來源。


/ Email這是你的聯繫人的姓名和它下面是他們的電子郵件地址時用來填寫的表格。人的名字寫在藍色的下劃線,這意味著你可以按一下它,打開了這個聯繫人的信息頁。

電話號碼 /位置這是電話號碼的人列為家庭電話號碼,地點是在他們所在的地理位置。請注意,有些人可能會插入不要打電話給我在現場或通過電話,他們可以用一個虛構的數字。你不能總是依靠此信息。



在本節頂部,接近其中字母按字母順序列出,有一個下一個按鈕。這將讓你去下一頁接觸。列出的聯繫人 10頁,所以10號以後,你需要到下一個頁面等等。



)查看所有聯繫已經停止信函 - 點擊這個鏈接,你將看到您的所有聯繫人都選擇退出Vemma。這些人不希望收到任何郵件或信息的程序。非活動接觸屏幕的外觀是相同的積極接觸屏幕,不同之處在於你無法排序他們以任何方式。它們會自動排序上架日期。在狀態,你會看到當最後一個電子郵件系統發送該人以下,這將是迄今為止他/她選擇退出。


所有的信息,主要聯繫信息帶 *提供了接觸,不能改變你。如果您單擊更新聯繫人的鏈接,您可以添加其他信息收集從接觸像手機號碼,配偶姓名,生日信息等前兩項所列這個人前入伍者身份證號碼及以下的,其臨時密碼。如果前入伍者接觸,你可以不記得自己的ID和密碼,你可以把它送給他們從這裡。他們還可以點擊一個鏈接從登錄頁的忘記您的用戶名和密碼,信息將通過電子郵件發送給他們的系統。



設置提醒,如果您需要提醒做一些這種聯繫,您可以設置一個提醒。鍵入一個小紙條,在註釋中,並使用下拉列表的月,日和年,然後點擊設置。例如:呼叫約翰 2005年5月1在這一天,你會收到一封電子郵件提醒你打電話告訴約翰。

添 加新的注意,我每次做一些事,或發送到聯繫人的東西,我做一點值得注意。因此,下一次我看這種接觸,我知道我馬上做了這個人至今。加上附註,點擊添加新的 說明和一個新窗口將打開一個大矩形,您可以輸入您的注意。再往下,有一個按鈕,添加註釋。您不必添加日期在您留意系統將自動日期戳你的注意。

第二個網站:Vemma公司頁面通過 https/ / www.vemma.com /後台








如果你看到某人的名字,但沒有 LR下側,如果他們有一個 0在最後訂購日期,這意味著人已被取消,他們的汽車或船舶訂單是一個問題與信用卡或他們已選擇了完全。


點 擊家譜,你會看到樹(從您在頂部中間),下兩雙腿。任何箱,橙色的姓名和身份證號碼是成員,您又親自登記,你可以按一下,看看自己的三個星期的資料。此 外,當你去族譜屏幕上,看到了樹的盒子,尋找旁邊的數字激活週。這個數字表示的金額在數週的時間到該成員的下次船舶自動熄滅。如果這是一個新成員,也沒有 它旁邊的數字,這可能意味著他/她的信用卡沒有處理。在這種情況下,你會得到一個電子郵件從 Vemmacorp要求你提供幫助,試圖聯繫該人。







Vemmabuilder™ 在家創業系統幫您實現在家工作夢想,


Vemmabuilder ™ 90天免費網路創業



1. 輕鬆免費報名試用
2.仔細看E-mail 收到的信件內容,若未收到請確認垃圾信件夾

任何問題?歡迎聯絡“金山” (KimSun/Wednesc)
Email: vemma.kimsun@hotmail.com
Skype: wednesc

金山 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

03.Build Your Business

The next step is for you to decide how you want to build your vemma business . YOU are the only one who can determine how successful you will be. Here are proven and Successful ways that Vemma Team Members are using.

Remember that whichever way you decide to build your Distributorship, the KEY to success is Communication and Education. Communicate with your Upline and Downline and educate everyone to successful methods to build their businesses. This truly is an Internet Based Business. You don’t need to take orders or handle any delivery of product. You simply direct people to 1 of 2 websites to join your distributorship as a Member or Customer.

Remember you are recruiting people to join your distributorship. When interviewing distributors make sure you discuss all the different ways to build a successful Vemma Business.

The following are ways to build your VeMMA Business online.

1) Facebook Marketing
Facebook is actually more business oriented than MySpace and we will be able to find very qualified traffic within its walls: professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners, sales prospects, essentially the EXACT type of person we are looking for to build our business.
DO NOT SELL OUR BUSINESS or ADVERTISE on Facebook…that’s considered SPAM and Facebook is like any other social media networking tool…they don’t care about our business anyways!

2) Video Marketing
Video Marketing is HOT! It is one of the easiest and most effective strategies to drive highly qualified prospects to our site for FREE!  Youtube is the 3rd most visited site after Google and Yahoo.

3) PayPerClick Marketing like Google Adwords etc
The FASTEST way to get traffic is Pay-per-click.  But it is also the most expensive.

4) Ezine / Solo Ads
Ezines are online newsletters that people subscribe to. When an ezine sends out an email with your ad in it the reader takes it more seriously because they have a “relationship” established with the ezine.

5) Free Classifieds
There are many Free Classifieds in the internet world.  Because it is FREE, so some effort and time need to put in to see result.

6) Forum Marketing

7) Content / Article Marketing

8 ) MySpace Marketing

9) Twitter

10) Blogging

11) Others

VemmaOnlineBiz will collaborate with some external online training sites to provide training lessons to our Vemma members.  Click here to check .

========中文翻譯 未完成=========




請記住,無論怎樣你決定建立自己的分銷,成功的關鍵是溝通和教育。與您的上線和下線,教育大家成功的方法來建立自己的業務。這確實是一種基於 Internet的業務。您不必採取任何命令或處理的產品交付。您只需直接人們 1 2網站加入您的分銷作為一個會員或客戶。



不銷售我們的業務或刊登廣告的臉譜 ...則被認為是垃圾郵件和Facebook像任何其他社會媒體網絡工具...他們不關心我們的業務反正!

視頻營銷是熱!這是一種最簡單,最有效的戰略,以推動高素質的前景我們的網站上免費的! YouTube是第三次訪問量最大的網站後,谷歌和雅虎。


E /單獨的廣告
鋅在線通訊,人訂閱。當 E鋅發出了一封電子郵件與您的廣告在它的讀者需要更加重視,因為他們有一個關係,建立了E鋅。



)內容 /文章營銷






Vemmabuilder™ 在家創業系統幫您實現在家工作夢想,


Vemmabuilder ™ 90天免費網路創業

1. 輕鬆免費報名試用
2.仔細看E-mail 收到的信件內容,若未收到請確認垃圾信件夾

任何問題?歡迎聯絡“金山” (KimSun/Wednesc)
Email: vemma.kimsun@hotmail.com
Skype: wednesc

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